In this project we will investigate the implications of digitalization in cities, presenting a proposal that tries to bring the physical and digital to work together. There is a clear digitalization of things around the world, from communication to shopping. This is affecting architecture at the same time, changing parameters of design and interaction in space. In a bigger scale, cities are being modified by these new interactions, between citizens and urbanity, modify- ingphysical interactions that users have with the urban. With this project we address this issue in a way to bring together, in public space, this duality between digital and physical. _kinect_
For this, Whitechapel High street will act as an ur-ban lab in our research. Indeed, it is clear there is a decline in the High Streets in the UK, relevant sites in the composition of cities in the country. With the decay of these streets we will attempt to find an opportunity to suggest how to innovate the public realm of these spaces. For this purpose this project focuses on introducing a new urban interface to Whitechapel High Street, to customize events and redefine this street to not only survive from the rise of digital shopping, but re-organize digital and physical elements, to empower the users of the street.
Furthermore, using digital interface could shift the way users participate in designing the urban environment, with the open-sourced data derived from the relational urban model, It is possible to create a direct communication between interactions among actors, then generating a platform for users to be able to decide. This creates a new urban syntax.
The emergence of using physical-digital tools such as Kinect to read the spaces will enrich the way us- ersperceive and engage with and within spaces. In- deed, visualizing motions and morphologies, could aid to interpret spatialization and materiality in new different ways.
- [year] 2017
- [Credits] Diego Melchor Ruiz / Jiang Lai / Deng Fei
- [Design Tutors] Enriqueta Llabres Valls, Zachary Flucker
- [H+T Tutor] Nuria Alvarez
In this project we will investigate the implications of digitalization in cities, presenting a proposal that tries to bring the physical and digital to work together. There is a clear digitalization of things around the world, from communication to shopping. This is affecting architecture at the same time, changing parameters of design and interaction in space. In a bigger scale, cities are being modified by these new interactions, between citizens and urbanity, modify- ingphysical interactions that users have with the urban. With this project we address this issue in a way to bring together, in public space, this duality between digital and physical. _kinect_
For this, Whitechapel High street will act as an ur-ban lab in our research. Indeed, it is clear there is a decline in the High Streets in the UK, relevant sites in the composition of cities in the country. With the decay of these streets we will attempt to find an opportunity to suggest how to innovate the public realm of these spaces. For this purpose this project focuses on introducing a new urban interface to Whitechapel High Street, to customize events and redefine this street to not only survive from the rise of digital shopping, but re-organize digital and physical elements, to empower the users of the street.
Furthermore, using digital interface could shift the way users participate in designing the urban environment, with the open-sourced data derived from the relational urban model, It is possible to create a direct communication between interactions among actors, then generating a platform for users to be able to decide. This creates a new urban syntax.
The emergence of using physical-digital tools such as Kinect to read the spaces will enrich the way us- ersperceive and engage with and within spaces. In- deed, visualizing motions and morphologies, could aid to interpret spatialization and materiality in new different ways.